2018 1-Year Reunion

Just over 100 old boys from the class of 2018 attended their 1 Year Reunion which was held at the school. Thanks to everyone who made the night!

1979 40-Year Reunion

The 1979 cohort enjoyed catching up with each other and former teachers at their 40 year reunion in August.

1999 20-Year Reunion

The evening was held on May 17 and well attended by staff and Old Trinity Grammarians. Thanks to all who attended! 

1989 30-Year Reunion

The evening was held on the 9th of August. Thanks to all staff and members of the class of ‘89 who joined us!

2019 OTGA CBD Lunch - Philip Dunn QC (OTG1961)

The OTGA CBD Lunch was held on May 24 with guest speaker Philip Dunn QC (OTG1961) who captivated the audience regaling stories of his career.   It was great to see so many from the Trinity Community in attendance including the ladies from the Women of Trinity auxilary.

2009 10-Year Reunion

Thanks to all our 10-Year Alumni who attended!

2019 Gold Mitre Lunch

It was wonderful to welcome the class of 1969 to their first Gold Mitre Lunch. Here’s to many more!

2014 5-Year Reunion

It was great to see so many old boys from the Class of 2014 at their recent 5 Year reunion on Wednesday 13 March. Thank you to all the staff and past staff members of Trinity who came out to catch up on the night!

2017 1-Year Reunion BBQ

Long time no see, Class of ‘17!

Old Boys Rugby 2018

Photos from the day below 

1978 40-Year Reunion Dinner

40 years on, but you wouldn't know it! Big thanks to all who attended. 

1988 30-Year Reunion Dinner

Thanks to all who attended the dinner, hard to believe it's been 30 years! Photos from the evening below. 

2018 OTGA CBD Lunch with John Gillam 

Some flicks from this year's CBD Lunch at the RACV Club. Wonderful turnout of 80+, great to see some familiar faces!

There was great turnout amongst the Class of 1986 OTGs to reunite over dinner. Many thanks to their former teacher, David Bevan, for joining.

Many thanks to the 30 OTGs from the Class of 1976 who attended their Reunion Dinner in August. Those in attendance were joined by their former Science Teacher and House Master, Dr. Karl Nelms.

It was great to hear from Joshua Funder (OTG1989) at our first CBD Lunch for 2016 as he discussed innovation and investment in the Australian economy.

Thanks to the 40 OTGs from the Class of 2006 who attended their Reunion Dinner. The boys enjoyed tales from their Head of Year 12, Bob Hillman.

Sincere thanks to the over 100 OTGs who attended the Gold Mitre Lunch, especially the members of the Class of 1966 who were inducted in the club.

Held at the RACV Club, there was a great turnout of OTGs to hear Luke Power (OTG1997) reflect on his remarkable career in the AFL.

2016 London Dinner

It was fantastic to see so many OTGs, and former staff member Richard Pearson, attending the London Dinner in July, held at the Sloane Club. Thanks to James Hopkins (OTG2001) for hosting the pre-dinner drinks at the London Cocktail Club and Harry Swinnerton (OTG2002 for the excellent photographs.