OTGA Statement 22.08.2018

The OTGA wholeheartedly supports the interim School Council for its decision to join the National Redress Scheme for victims of institutional child sexual abuse.


It is a positive first step on a longer journey our community must take to better understand and deal with the heartbreaking accounts of sexual abuse and harassment which have had a devastating impact on the lives of some former students.


We join the school in affirming that this behaviour is unacceptable and abhorrent and should never have been allowed to occur.


We acknowledge that some OTG’s may be confused by the contradictory nature of statements previously released by the school.  Mindful of the sensitivity and respect that must be shown to the individuals and families affected, we hope in due course as part of this healing process, that Trinity Grammar is able to provide additional clarity around these historical acts of abuse which have devastatingly impacted the lives of the abused, their family and friends.


If you would like to report anything of this nature to the school or receive some counselling, please ring Trinity Grammar and ask to speak to the headmaster, Phil De Young on 9854 3600.  Alternatively Phil can be reached by email deyoungp@trinity.vic.edu.au


On behalf of the Old Trinity Grammarians’ Association Committee

David Baumgartner, President